Archive for the ‘LDWF’ Tag

Appellate court to hear arguments on whether live tiger may be kept at truck stop   Leave a comment

Click picture for video.

Click picture for link to video.

BATON ROUGE, La. — This week the State of Louisiana Court of Appeal will hear arguments in the case of the Tiger Truck Stop in Baton Rouge.

Owner Michael Sandlin is fighting to keep a live Bengal tiger named Tony in a cage at the truck stop.

The animal legal defense fund won a ruling against the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries for unlawfully issuing Sandlin a permit to keep the tiger.

In 2011, Judge Michael Caldwell ordered wildlife and fisheries to revoke the permit.

The court will take up Sandlin’s appeal on Tuesday.

Reminder: Roar 4 Tony on Twitter! Sunday Feb. 3 @ 5pmEST   Leave a comment



Not in EST? Find your time to ROAR here:

We’ve been getting great support from our friends on Twitter for Tony’s Twitterstorm, a.k.a. ROAR-A-THON, scheduled for February 3rd @ 5pmEST; lots of tweets networking the information and people asking about Tony.

Share the event on Facebook: so we can get more people involved.

We’ll be raising awareness and support for Tony by letting people know he’s still at the truck, the next court date, his petition etc. and for captive tigers and big cats in the U.S. by networking information about The Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act.

We’ll be trending the hashtag #FreeTonyTiger.

Here are some tips about Sunday’s event from our friend @ARCrusade:

  • Don’t tweet too much the day of (before) the event.
  • Very few countdowns only.
  • Tweet as fast as possible.
  • We must tweet fast for an hour straight.
  • Copy+Paste tweets are more efficient than RTs (retweets) and are fast.
  • Always include hashtag #FreeTonyTiger in every tweet.

Some tweets we’ll be using you can copy but feel free to compose your own:

We Love Tony! @TonyTiger2000 || #FreeTonyTiger

Tony deserves a proper home @ a reputable big cat sanctuary! #FreeTonyTiger

Let Tony @TonyTiger2000 Hear Our ROARS! #FreeTonyTiger ‏

ROAR FOR TONY!! Join Our Twitter Storm 4 @TonyTiger2000 Going on NOW!! Help Us Trend ►► #FreeTonyTiger ‏◄◄

Tiger kept as a roadside attraction @ truck stop?? #FreeTonyTiger

Plz Sign Petition: LDWF: Ensure Tony The Tiger Is Released To A Reputable Sanctuary || #FreeTonyTiger

Nominate @TonyTiger2000 4 a shorty award: Help Raise Awareness 4 Captive Tigers || #FreeTonyTiger

@ALDF Back in court 4 @TonyTiger2000 on Feb. 19th! || #FreeTonyTiger

Join Tony’s @TonyTiger2000’s Facebook Page: || #FreeTonyTiger

@TonyTiger2000 is 1 of the est. 5,000+ privately owned tigers in U.S. Appx. 3,200 tigers left in the wild #FreeTonyTiger

Supporting Tony: @LeoDiCaprio @IanSomerhalder Help Us Trend #FreeTonyTiger ‏

Supporting Tony: @BauerVanStraten @Barbi_Twins @SamFoxCom Help Us Trend #FreeTonyTiger ‏

Tigers Don’t Belong @ Truck Stops!! @TonyTiger2000 Deserves A Home @ a Reputable Sanctuary! #FreeTonyTiger

In 2003, 3 tigers were taken from Tiger Truck Stop – @TonyTiger2000 was left behind || #FreeTonyTiger

Judge has ruled twice that no further permits can be issued 2 keep Tony – he remains @ the truck stop ILLEGALLY #FreeTonyTiger

Watch @ALDF’s video 4 @TonyTiger2000: ALDF is committed 2 Tony’s release 2 a reputable sanctuary #FreeTonyTiger

True Blood’s Kristin Bauer @BauerVanStraten Speaks Out for Tony the Tiger Watch: || #FreeTonyTiger

2006 Louisiana state law prohibits private ownership of #tigers. || #FreeTonyTiger

Support Big Cats & Public Safety Protection Act!! Take Action: HR 4122 & S 3547 #FreeTonyTiger

WATCH: CUTE TIGER CUBS – Robbed from the Cradle || #FreeTonyTiger

WATCH: Tigers in the U.S. & learn more about the serious issue of captive tigers #FreeTonyTiger

WATCH: Backyard Tigers of America In some states it’s legal to own big cats as pets! #FreeTonyTiger

Did you know that there are more tigers in American backyards than left in the wild? || #FreeTonyTiger

@WCSanctuary is one big cat sanctuary that has offered a forever home 4 @TonyTiger2000 || #FreeTonyTiger

No More Wild Pets! Tiger Exotic Pet PSA via @wcsanctuary | #FreeTonyTiger

@BigCatRescue has been very supportive of @TonyTiger2000 & also has a home waiting 4 him || #FreeTonyTiger

Sunday February 3rd @ 5pmEST – Help Raise Awareness 4 Tony!   1 comment

twitter tony 2.3.2013Join us on SUNDAY FEBRUARY 3 @ 5pmEST when we hold a “Twitter Storm” for Tony to raise awareness and support for him and the 5,000 plus captive tigers in the United States. We’ll be tweeting about Tony, his petition and how to help captive tigers while adding the hashtag #FreeTonyTiger to our tweets.

Organized by Tony’s Twitter friends @ARCrusade, @jenaeseetal and @FreeTonyTiger we’re hoping to trend #FreeTonyTiger

Tony is known all over the world and has terrific support on Twitter with both @FreeTonyTiger and @TonyTiger2000  gathering more friends everyday.

Please share this information and meet us on Twitter SUNDAY FEBRUARY 3 @ 5pmEST.

If you’re not in the EST zone visit: to find your time to ROAR with us!

Here are some tweets we’re using now to get the word out – you can use these or make up your own with the date, time and hashtag #FreeTonyTiger

Join Us on SUNDAY FEB 3 @ 5pmEST We’re Trending #FreeTonyTiger Not in EST time zone? Find Your Time 2 ROAR:

Join Our Tweet 4 @TonyTiger2000 Protest Sunday Feb. 3rd @ 5pmEST Let Tony Hear Our ROARS! Trend #FreeTonyTiger ‏

ROAR FOR TONY!! Twitter Storm 4 @TonyTiger2000 on Feb. 3rd @ 5pm EST We’ll Be Trending ►► #FreeTonyTiger ‏◄◄

Are You Ready To ROAR 4 TONY?? Help Us Trend ►► #FreeTonyTiger ‏◄◄ on Feb. 3rd @ 5pm EST! Plz RT!

R U #TEAMTONY?? Join Us on SUNDAY FEB. 3rd @ 5pmEST when we trend #FreeTonyTiger PLZ RT!

Twitter Storm 4 #Tiger kept as a roadside attraction @ truck stop SUNDAY FEB. 3 @ 5pmEST Trend @FreeTonyTiger

Join Our Twitter Storm 4 @TonyTiger2000 & the 5,000+ captive U.S. #Tigers on SUNDAY FEB. 3rd @ 5pmEST Trend #FreeTonyTiger

As we near the date we’ll post more ideas for tweets you can use on SUNDAY FEB. 3rd @ 5pmEST!

Please share this post and thanks for your support.

You can read the an update on Tony’s case from The Animal Legal Defense Fund here: Next Court Date: FEB. 19th 2013

Sign Tony’s petition:

Help captive U.S. tigers and big cats by taking action and supporting The Big Cats & Public Safety Protection Act! ( HR 4122 and S 3547 ) This bill would prohibit private possession of big cats except at highly-qualified facilities like accredited zoos where they can be properly cared for and safely managed.

Please visit this link to learn more: At the bottom of that page is a TAKE ACTION button.

For Tony on ALDF’s Facebook Page 1.24.2013   Leave a comment

aldf tony bars

Tigers don’t belong in truck stops! On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 the courts will hear ALDF’s oral arguments in the appeal to free Tony. Keep Tony in your thoughts!

More on this update:

Court Date For Tony Confirmed By ALDF   2 comments

This update posted on January 24, 2013 by Animal Legal Defense Fund:

On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 the courts will hear ALDF’s oral arguments in the appeal to free Tony.

From ALDF: Tony, the Truck Stop Tiger 11.29.2012   Leave a comment

tony 01The Truck Stops Here…

From the stench of fuel to the drone of diesel engines and the isolation of his roadside prison, Tony, a 12 year-old Siberian-Bengal tiger, has endured more than a decade of misery at the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete, Louisiana. That is why the Animal Legal Defense Fund has taken to the Louisiana courts to free Tony the Tiger from this truck stop nightmare. We won our lawsuit to prevent Tony’s “owner” Michael Sandlin from renewing his permit, but Sandlin appealed, and we are waiting for the Louisiana Court of Appeal to hear the case. Sandlin subsequently filed his own lawsuit to overturn the state’s ban on big cat ownership. ALDF sought to have the case dismissed and is waiting for the trial court to decide if the suit will move forward.

Sandlin has exploited tigers for over 20 years: buying, breeding, selling, and exhibiting tigers in poor conditions for his own profit. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has cited Sandlin’s truck stop in the past for unsanitary feeding practices; mishandling tigers; and failure to provide veterinary care, shelter from inclement weather, clean drinking water, and knowledgeable employees to care for the tigers. In 2003, Sandlin’s animal welfare violations sparked public outcry, and three tigers were removed to a Tennessee sanctuary. The USDA allowed Sandlin to keep one tiger: Tony. He has been alone ever since.tony 02

Life at the truck stop is harmful to an animal with such sensitive hearing and acute sense of smell, says veterinarian Jennifer Conrad, who has cared for captive large cats for nearly two decades. After visiting Tony, she declared he is “in poor condition and needs intervention on his behalf.” In addition to exposure to noise and diesel fumes, Tony is taunted by truck stop visitors. His enclosure lacks adequate enrichment. He has no pool of water to cool off in the blazing heat of the summer. As a result of this stressful confinement, Tony constantly paces in his enclosure, putting him at risk for dangerous and painful veterinary conditions.

His suffering demonstrates the problem of privately-owned tigers, whose numbers exceed that of wild tigers. There are less than 500 Siberian and only 2,500 Bengal tigers left in the wild. In their natural habitat, tigers live alone, travel many miles to hunt, and avoid humans.

ALDF Sues to Have Tony Freed

In 2010, ALDF sued the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) for unlawfully issuing Sandlin a permit to keep and exhibit Tony. ALDF was joined by several Louisiana residents as co-plaintiffs, including Warren Triche, the state representative who authored the Louisiana state law banning private ownership of tigers. In November 2011, Judge Michael Caldwell ordered LDWF to revoke Sandlin’s permit and prohibited the agency from issuing future permits. Sandlin appealed this decision to the Louisiana Court of Appeal for the First Circuit. We have briefed the case and are awaiting an oral argument date. Once the court hears our arguments, we will await a final decision. Meanwhile, Sandlin continues to exhibit Tony without a permit.

LDWF publicly stated it intends to enforce Louisiana law when litigation has concluded—although they could seize Tony now, at their discretion. State law bars Sandlin from owning and exhibiting a tiger because he did not legally own Tony when Louisiana’s big cat ban went into effect, and because Sandlin does not live on the premises where Tony is held captive. After all, who would want to live in a truck stop? Not Sandlin… and definitely not Tony.

ALDF Intervenes to Defend Big Cat Law

After losing his permit, Sandlin filed his own lawsuit against the State of Louisiana, the LDWF, and Iberville Parish to overturn the state ban on private possession of big cats. This suit flies in the face of national sentiment, public safety, and animal welfare concerns. After the massacre of 48 exotic animals in Ohio in 2011, state and federal bills (like HR 4122) are being considered to prohibit ownership of big cats. Although ALDF was not named as a defendant in Sandlin’s suit, we successfully petitioned the court to allow us to intervene in the case to support Louisiana’s right to safeguard public safety and the welfare of animals like Tony. LDWF and ALDF each filed exceptions to Sandlin’s case, seeking to have the lawsuit dismissed, and a decision is expected soon.

Next Steps: We Wait While Tony Paces

The world waits with bated breath for the results of ALDF’s suit and of Sandlin’s appeal. Meanwhile Tony remains trapped at the truck stop. ALDF’s legal battle for Tony has drawn support from high profile advocates like Leonardo DiCaprio and True Blood’s Kristin Bauer van Straten and has galvanized activists around the world. The law firm of Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell, & Berkowitz, P.C. is providing pro bono assistance.

We are currently waiting for the Louisiana Court of Appeal to hear our case. We are also waiting for the trial court to decide if Sandlin’s suit will move forward. Tony’s fate is tied up in the courts, but ALDF is keeping the pressure on.

We will post updates on Tony’s case as they become available.

NOTE: Article courtesy of  Animal Legal Defense Fund. You can leave a comment of thanks to ALDF and support for Tony at the end of this article here: on ALDF’s Facebook page: and retweet on Twitter:

Let’s continue our positive dedicated advocacy on behalf of Tony. Thank you.

Thanks Ian Somerhalder & ISF Family   Leave a comment

Special Thanks to Ian Somerhalder and The ISF (Ian Somerhalder Foundation) Family for their great support of Tony’s petition today. Ian tweeted the link for Tony’s petition and his wonderful friends responded with resounding ROARS!

Please also visit Ian’s ISF website to learn more about his organization. ISF’s Mission: “aims to empower, educate and collaborate with people and projects to positively impact the planet and its creatures.”

No updates as to the August 6, 2012 hearing but will post when available.

Remaining positive for Tony and ROARING Our Way To 20K!

Tony’s Petition Reaches 17,900   Leave a comment

As we still await word on the August 6, 2012 hearing, let’s continue to keep Tony’s story active by supporting his petition.
We’re only 100 signatures away from 18,000 –  a true indication of the concern and love people have worldwide for Tony.

If you haven’t signed, please add your support for Tony’s release to a reputable sanctuary here: and share the link.

Petitions are an effective  platform to gain support and let the public know, despite two rulings in Tony’s favor, he remains at the truck stop. Read more about Tony’s case from The Animal Legal Defense Fund: Making Sense of the Current Status of the Tony the Tiger Cases

Thanks again to ALL of Tony’s friends for your support and dedication to him.

Please also take a moment to help big cats in the United States by asking your Congress Member to support H.R.4122 – The Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act. This bill would prohibit private possession of big cats except at highly-qualified facilities like accredited zoos where they can be properly cared for and safely managed.

Take Action At These Links:

  • Enter your zip code at Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL’s Action Alert for a fast easy way to voice your support of this bill and ask your congressperson to co-sponsor it:

  • The Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Action Alert for H.R. 4122:

  • IFAW’s  (International Fund For Animal Welfare) Action Alert

  • You can also sign this petition: Tell Congress: Big Cats are NOT Pets!

  • and show your support for H.R. 4122 at PopVox:

Report: DiCaprio plans animal-poach film   Leave a comment

Re-posting this article that mentions Tony. For the article concerning Mr. DiCaprio’s support for Tony see:

Published: Aug. 27, 2012 at 5:24 PM

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 27 (UPI) — Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy and Tobey Maguire are working to produce an animal-trafficking film like the U.S. crime drama “Traffic,” a trade daily reported.

The unnamed Warner Bros. Pictures film would look at animal trafficking from a number of perspectives, similar to 2000’s “Traffic,” directed by Steven Soderbergh and written by Stephen Gaghan, The Hollywood Reporter said.

“Traffic,” adapted from the British TV series “Traffik,” explores the illegal-drug trade from the perspective of a user, an enforcer, a politician and a trafficker, with their stories edited together.

In this case, the story would look at trafficking from different angles including those of the ground war on poachers in the African savannah and how animal material ends up in Paris fashion houses, the newspaper said.

The trio are looking for a screenplay writer, the Reporter said.

English actor Hardy — who played arch-villain Bane in Christopher Nolan‘s recent Batman film “The Dark Knight Rises” — came up with the new film’s idea, the Reporter said.

He was inspired by friends who are former Special Forces operatives and later became anti-poacher fighters in South Africa and other countries, the newspaper said.

Maguire — best known for his role as Peter Parker aka Spider-Man in Sam Raimi‘s “Spider-Man” film trilogy — has been good friends with DiCaprio since their early-career days, when they found themselves auditioning for roles opposite each other.

The pair made an informal pact to help each other get parts in their movies, TV shows and other projects.

They both star in the 3D romantic drama “The Great Gatsby,” to be released next year.

DiCaprio is longtime animal-rights activist. He donated $1 million to New York’s Wildlife Conservation Society in 2010 and joined a so-far-unsuccessful campaign by California’s Animal Legal Defense Fund to free a tiger named Tony, who has spent a decade in a roadside cage at the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete, La.

DiCaprio became the spokesman last year for a campaign organized by the International Fund for Animal Welfare to protect elephants.

Great News For Ben The Bear!!   Leave a comment

Ben The Bear is one of the animals featured on ROAR 4 Tony & Friends!! There’s great news for Ben, who was used as a roadside attraction at Jambbas Ranch Tours in Fayetteville NC. Ben now has a home at Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). Read more from The Animal Legal Defense Fund and watch the video of Ben’s rescue. Special Thanks to ALDF, Peta, Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) and everyone who fought for Ben’s release to a reputable sanctuary.

We still await a decision from Tony’s August 6th hearing. Please continue to support Tony on Facebook, on Twitter: @FreeTonyTiger and
@TonyTiger2000, and by signing and sharing Tony’s petition. Also follow @ALDF on Twitter and check for updates on their page for Tony.